Audio Technica ATM350U Instrument Mic with Universal Mounting System


System Mounting with Universal Mic Instrument ATM350U Technica Audio – Audio Technica ATM350U Instrument Mic with Universal Mounting System Features Low-profile microphone design provides unobtrusive mounting with minimal visibility Crisp clear and well-balanced microphone response even at high SPLs Cardioid polar pattern reduces pickup of sounds from the sides and rear providing excellent isolation of…

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Audio Technica ATM350U Instrument Mic with Universal Mounting System is in a condition made by Audio-Technica and is for sale in the for a great price of £293 . Ideal for a wide array of instruments. The Audio Technica ATM350U Instrument Mic kit is the ultimate choice for any engineer and performer. The kit includes a premium quality ATM350a cardioid microphone AT8543 in-line power module UniMount clip-on mount and 5″ gooseneck. The ATM350U is just as comfortable on-the-road as it is in the studio. Thanks to its cardioid polar pattern you can ensure a tight focused sound with excellent off axis rejection. Get the sound right at source. The ATM350U includes a switchable high-pass filter allowing you to reduce low end rumble and other unnecessary frequencies. This will save you time later at the mixing stage. If youre serious about high-quality capture then look no further than the ATM350U by Audio-Technica. an amazing Audio-Technica System Mounting with Universal Mic Instrument ATM350U Technica Audio – Click Read More for more product information, photographs and how to order.

  • Audio
  • Instrument
  • Mic
  • Mounting
  • System
  • Universal
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