Austrian Audio OCR8 Bluetooth Remote


Remote Bluetooth OCR8 Audio Austrian – Austrian Audio OCR8 Bluetooth Remote The mic of the future A true innovation for your studio. Use the OCR8 Bluetooth remote to take full control over your microphone settings. Easy to use just plug the Bluetooth dongle into your OC818 microphone it runs off Phantom Power so you dont…

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Austrian Audio OCR8 Bluetooth Remote is in a condition made by Austrian Audio and is for sale in the for a great price of £130.25 . Take control of your Austrian Audio OC818 microphone. The Austrian Audio OCR8 Bluetooth Remote unlocks the true power of the already excellent Austrian Audio OC818 microphone. Control directional characteristics and pad switches all from your seat via Bluetooth from your mobile. an amazing Austrian Audio Remote Bluetooth OCR8 Audio Austrian – Click Read More for more product information, photographs and how to order.

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