Shure SM57 with Mic Stand for Guitar Cab is in a condition made by Shure and is for sale in the for a great price of £117.35 . The Shure SM57 with Mic Stand for Guitar Cab is a customisable bundle consisting of Shures premium SM57 dynamic instrument microphone a low microphone stand and microphone cable of your choice. Great for home recording guitarists live venues practice venues and home or project studios this bundle is the best way to record combo amps guitar cabs acoustic guitars and a huge range of other instruments. With its iconic sound signature and unbeatable construction the Shure SM57 set the benchmark for microphone design earning itself a lifetime residency in every recording studio and venue in the world. For over fifty years the SM57 has been making its mark on music. From the guitars on Nirvanas Nevermind. To the snare on ACDCs Back In Black. The list is endless. Enjoy unrivalled versatility. If you only ever own one microphone make it an SM57. Youll soon discover why its the cornerstone of every engineers collection. Please Note: The image depicted is merely representative of the bundle and variations might occur depending on the options you select. an amazing Shure Cab for Guitar Stand Mic with SM57 Shure – Click Read More for more product information, photographs and how to order.