Drum Mic Clip by Gear4music


Gear4music by Clip Mic Drum – Drum Mic Clip by Gear4music Features/Specifications Body Material: Hard Plastic Mounting Design: Drum Rim Toothed Design Mic Mount: 3/8″ Adapter Adjustable Cable Holder: Included Colour: Black Music is for everyone so we’re making it easier for you to start playing. Backed by our years of professional experience the Gear4music…

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Drum Mic Clip by Gear4music is in a condition made by Gear4Music and is for sale in the for a great price of £3.99 . The Drum Mic Clip by Gear4music is perfect for recording and amplifying drums without the need for microphone stands. The clip features a hard and durable plastic body with a toothed clip design to sit on to the hoop of most drums. The fully adjustable 3/8″ screw mic attachment will accept any microphone clip and a handy clip has been added to keep the cable in place. an amazing Gear4Music Gear4music by Clip Mic Drum – Click Read More for more product information, photographs and how to order.

  • Clip
  • Drum
  • Mic
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