Shure PGA Drum Kit Bundle is in a condition made by Shure and is for sale in the for a great price of £312.32 . The Shure PGA Drum Kit Bundle is a complete drum recording solution for home and project studios self-recording drummers engineers and producers and live venues in need of a way of capturing drums for gigs. Consisting of your choice of Shure PGADRUMKIT packages you can choose a minimal and effective PGADRUMKIT4 with two tom mics a kick mic and a snare mic an expanded PGADRUMKIT6 with the addition of two small-diaphragm condensers for overheads to add more space and definition or the PGADRUMKIT7 which gives you the above with an additional tom/snare mic for capturing three toms or double-miking a snare. A great choice for capturing a drum kit for any circumstance this bundle also comes with a low microphone stand of your choice for capturing the kick drum and your choice of both style and quantity of mic stands for overheads and/or snare mics. Get started recording drums your way with your choice of drum mic kit. Please Note: The image depicted is merely representative of the bundle and variations might occur depending on the options you select. an amazing Shure Bundle Kit Drum PGA Shure – Click Read More for more product information, photographs and how to order.